Visit to swordsmith's workshop | TRAVEL GUIDE IN KYUSHU, "reQreate"

Visit to swordsmith's workshop

Observation of spirited sword making at close range

At the workshop of Mr. Genrokuro Matsunaga, a nationally renowned swordsmith who won many awards at sword exhibitions, visitors witness how he makes Japanese swords at close range. At his workshop named Matsunaga Nihontoken Tanrensho, he makes swords in a traditional tatara method in which he smelts a hot iron chunk and forges it into a sword by repeatedly striking, stretching, and folding it. Watch the bright red iron piece heated in the furnace to 1400 °C shoot out sparks as he strikes and stretches it with a hammer. A reservation needs to be made at least one week in advance (the demonstration takes place only when there are at least two visitors). The visitors can also take a look at Mr. Matsunaga's collection of swords and armors. Apart from the sword making viewing, visitors can inscribe letters on aluminum plates using a chisel following the tradition of swordsmiths inscribing their names of sword blades.

1907-8 Kawanobori, Arao City
0968- 68-2250
Business hours
Please ask in advance for irregular holidays
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Irregular holidays
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